Architecture Laboratory Chemistry Department Lavoisier Paris 13ème (2006-2008) – Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7

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Building Chemicals M5B1 – ZAC Massena : A site started 15 June 2006 !

for L & rsquo; Chemistry Faculty of & rsquo; University of Paris Diderot – Paris 7

Is installed on the Paris Rive Gauche campus, along the Seine, a few steps from the Bibliothèque François Mitterrand.. L & rsquo; all the research and training activities of the & rsquo; University related to chemical sciences gathered for the most part in the Lavoisier building, and Lamarck in the building with regard to the environmental division.

Schema & rsquo; implementation of the Lavoisier building M5B1, and M5B2 university buildings and M6A1 will be built above train tracks. Were added TGV texts and Tramway, caption to the tracks existing blue lines on & rsquo; image source (uploaded by the Pavilion of the & rsquo; Arsenal).

L & rsquo; academic book Lavoisier, a city building, created by the firm & rsquo; X-Tu architects, is dedicated to the & rsquo; Chemistry Faculty (teaching and research laboratories) s & rsquo; Paris Diderot University from 2008. It is considered an emblem of the building & rsquo; open university city, with & lsquo; the architectural strength oxygen and magnifies prospects Massena neighborhood in the making & rsquo;. But problematically, in 2012, the shoe. Lavoisier enclave will be the building M5B2, whose height and extreme close on some fronts will remove all light and breath to Lavoisier.

model and map display flag of & rsquo; Arsenal (photos 12/01/10)

Le Lavoisier M5B1 building, occupied since 2008 by & rsquo; Chemistry Faculty of & rsquo; University of Paris Diderot Paris 7 will move to his feet in the TGV 2012, while two other future university buildings M5B2 and M6A1 will be crossed. Le Lavoisier building will also enclosed by the new construction..


Lavoisier was born in Paris on 26 August 1743, as a member d & rsquo; a wealthy family. Lavoisier in Paris, son d & rsquo; a Parlanmetosu MP, with the death of his mother in & rsquo; age of five had a great legacy. 11 years (1754) Four Nations College in Paris (more commonly known as the Collège Mazarin) has begun. Over the last two years of the & rsquo; school (1760-1761), he rekindled & rsquo; interest in science and chemistry, Botanics, l & rsquo; astronomy education and mathematics received. Philosophy …

Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794)
and his wife (Marie-Anne Pierrette Paulze, (1758-1836)

with 70 PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, over 140 permanent, dont 90 CNRS researchers and teachers distributed in three mixed units CNRS / University and a team of & rsquo; Earth Physics Institute, chemistry component of the & rsquo; University of Paris Diderot enjoys & rsquo; a very strong scientific potential, human and technological, also strongly renewed in recent years.

From recognized competence in the field of physical chemistry, of the molecule to the materials through the surfaces, its tools and its concepts, from small molecules up & rsquo; to complex biomimetic systems, or nanostructured solid, l & rsquo; UFR has gained strong recognition in the field of research at the interfaces with nanoscience, les nano-biosciences, the Sciences & rsquo; environment, as & rsquo; in particular illustrate the many collaborations developed in France and & rsquo; foreign, in the academic world as with industry, and the very many contracts supporting scientific projects.

L & rsquo; interface with the sciences of & rsquo; s environment & rsquo; also based on a knowledge experimental laboratory, field campaigns and modeling expertise, and unfolds around three axes. The first is centered around & rsquo; study of the chemical and biological processes in aquatic ecosystems. The second is the & rsquo; study of the & rsquo; current terrestrial environment, in direct relation to major environmental issues : air pollution and climate. The third, finally, corresponds to the & rsquo; interface between the & rsquo; exobiology and planetary science, and the question of & rsquo; evolution of matter into complex organic systems, in various planetary environments.

L & rsquo; Chemistry Faculty provides training in chemistry and physical chemistry from bachelor to doctorate, offering many career opportunities in areas aujourd & rsquo; hui carriers, tray + 3 (professional license), +5 (Professional Master, Master teaching) and +8 (Ph.D.). The diplomas, worn by very welded teaching teams, offer a strong student support throughout the training and vigorously promote international mobility.

C & rsquo; is around this dual policy research and training component has to develop in the coming years, to continue to promote and defend free higher education and open to all, and a high-level research in & rsquo; disciplines interface, responsible and open to society. Word from the director of the & rsquo; UFR.

A STREET ART Building on the ! (2010)
A wild giant collage signed "Nature's Revenge” first appeared in early January 2010 Lavoisier on the University building, displaying a hornet mid-kind fighter mid-air, that looks more "warlike".

The title of this ephemeral creation : ” Fly to the moon” .
Fly away on the Moon

Photos ©Anne Agnes

Photos ©Jean-Pierre Bertigny













Virginia Maneval

I am the daughter of Jean Benjamin Maneval, famous urban architect who notably created the Bulle Six Coques, a plastic house from the pop years. You can also find me on my Facebook page or on my page La Bulle Six Coques by Jean Benjamin Maneval.

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