bubble Silo 13 Vib Architecture (2014) Cement Distribution Center – PARIS 13e
duration 11:18 – Paris Rive Gauche Tolbiac Southern Land – Phasing of the sector construction work between the street and the Chevaleret & rsquo; avenue de France, Paris 13e.
Bruneseau neighborhood – the reinvent ?
JULY 2012 – perspective 5 Silos project | ©vib
(shipments April – Fini en Never 2014)
Cement Distribution Center | Paris 13e
Surface site : 8 000 m² SHON
Site : ZAC Paris Rive Gauche - Paris 13ème
The silos Calcia, infrastructure imagined as an urban sculpture, were designed by the & rsquo; VIB agency Architecture / Bettina Ballus and Franck Vialet.
They quickly marked the territory of Paris Rive Gauche by & rsquo; originality of their architecture, using numerous new construction processes.
The two large silos and the vertical connection have been constructed with a slipform method.
At the rate of 2,5 cm per hour, it took three weeks of uninterrupted work, day and night, in February and in June 2013, to achieve.
Construction and design & rsquo; a cement distribution center, implanted within 5 meters from the Paris ring road, in the new district Bruneseau, rapidly changing urban context at the end of the & rsquo; Avenue de France in & rsquo; Parisian Far East. Five silos 37 m high have been built for different parts of the program: one for offices in the street, another for a quality control center, one for the & rsquo; vertical staircase (staircase + elevator) and two large silos up & rsquo; to 6 different qualities.
The site is connected to the railway d & rsquo; Austerlitz but is very small. For this reason, a part of the program is built either below the device or the legs, partly above the street. The project faces the & rsquo; Bertier building, built by Dominique Perrault and bracket 1st prize 1990.
It will also soon be the neighbor next amazing building in Paris: an office tower 180 m designed by Jean Nouvel.
The center will take on another dimension with the & rsquo; d & rsquo addition, an artistic intervention controlled Laurent Grasso …
The Silo Project 13 is the first step in developing the new neighborhood east of Paris, dedicated to housing, to & rsquo; hotel and offices.
The concept of s & rsquo project is nourished our meeting with a cement for the construction of their new headquarters and distribution center in Paris on a very small site but strategically placed on the ring road of Paris.
To enhance the skills of these people, the building is made of concrete, from the primary storage silos, Tower d & rsquo; staircase, offices or quality control center and the & rsquo; floor of the platform.
We used many building techniques where the concrete was declined in different ways to reveal its large structural qualities, sculptural and textural.
Construction and design & rsquo; a cement distribution center, implanted within 5 meters from the Paris ring road, in the new district Bruneseau, rapidly changing urban context at the end of the & rsquo; Avenue de France in & rsquo; Parisian Far East. Five silos 37 m high have been built for different parts of the program: one for offices in the street, another for a quality control center, one for the & rsquo; vertical staircase (staircase + elevator) and two large silos up & rsquo; to 6 different qualities. The site is connected to the railway d & rsquo; Austerlitz but is very small. For this reason, a part of the program is built either below the device or the legs, partly above the street.
The concept of s & rsquo project is nourished our meeting with a cement for the construction of their new headquarters and distribution center in Paris on a very small site but strategically placed on the ring road of Paris. To enhance the skills of these people, the building is made of concrete, from the primary storage silos, Tower d & rsquo; staircase, offices or quality control center and the & rsquo; floor of the platform.
We used many building techniques where the concrete was declined in different ways to reveal its large structural qualities, sculptural and textural.
PROJECT – Works..
Located on the edge of Paris' 13th arrondissement and d & rsquo; Ivry, on a 4.478m2 strip of land, stuck between the device and the railway tracks of the d & rsquo station, Austerlitz, the cement CALCIA installed all new cement silos to d & rsquo; s power & rsquo; all its customers in Paris, replace these 4 old silos dating from the 60.
shared commitment to the City of Paris to retain the & rsquo; industrial facilities in the heart of Paris, this place again put into operation a few months, was the & rsquo; & rsquo subject; a unique architectural treatment, to s & rsquo; integrate perfectly into the new urban landscape of the 13th district : a district in the future and daring architectural prowess.
2 years were needed to manage and build the project and the firm & rsquo; Ballus architecture and Vialet sign, right here, a real achievement by sublimating a clear concrete, illuminated by perforations recalling the aggregates required for the & rsquo; d & rsquo development; concrete. (An essential element of the concrete also produced by Italcementi Group owner Ciments Calcia.)
The choice of this location is, in more ways than one, strategic for Ciments Calcia.
this land, Réseau Ferré de France property, provides access to the sorting center of the d & rsquo station, Austerlitz, a strategic place for the & rsquo; transportation of cement by railway track, from its various production centers across France and more specifically from the cement Couvrot. This railway link and dual dedicated terminal allows & rsquo; welcome 26 wagons or the & rsquo; equivalent 100 trucks.
With d & rsquo; easy access to nearby motorways and the ring, This new distribution point is in the heart d & rsquo; a mesh allowing trucks to few kilometers to s & rsquo; supply, by day, and night, through a station & rsquo; fully autonomous Home : a system tested and approved by the technical teams of Ciments Calcia in Strasbourg. (80% Ciments Calcia of customers are positioned within 30 km around these silos.)
O & rsquo; darting over 39 meters high, two silos and a connecting column concealing technical elevator and staircase, So make aujourd & rsquo; hui part of the Parisian landscape of the great East. The column of & rsquo; elevator was perforated forms increasingly large on height, recalling the aggregates used in forming & rsquo; concrete. These perforations diffuse, the night came, soft light to make the & rsquo; architectural appearance of the building.
These polygonal openings are also present on the facades of two buildings housing offices and laboratory & rsquo; mechanical tests. The offices have been integrated into a silo lying cantilevered pretend levitate on 8 pylons concrete. This clever implementation can cover the d & rsquo way; access to a second building taking the form vaulted offices, welcoming the laboratory d & rsquo; mechanical testing of concrete different plants of the group spread over Paris and its suburbs. This building, despite its installation on the device and bathed in light thanks to its many polygonal perforations.
The offices, accessible via the & rsquo; lift, host teams Ciments Calcia and d & rsquo; Unibéton. In all, 20 people take turns to 5 am to 19 hours, in a calm atmosphere, despite the presence, Close, the outer peripheral. Particular care has been taken, par le cabinet d & rsquo; architecture et Ballus Vialet, the acoustic and thermal comfort of this space. Acousticians Peutz and Associates have treated each delicate point by combining acoustic panels wood, foam and a high-performance low-emission glazing.
The extremities, full picture, allow a homogeneous flow of natural light and a view on the cement wagon unloading dock. Both units are air-conditioned with a heat pump Invertess.
JANUARY 2013 - preparation of the slipform | ©vib
JULY 2013 – embodiment of the silo 4 Precast concrete, for the lab, housed in the device | ©vib
NOVEMBER 2013 - realization of the silo 5, bureaux, Precast concrete | ©vib
JANUARY 2014 – removal of formworks and scaffolding | ©vib
.. JANUARY 2014 – removal of formworks and scaffolding | ©vib
FEBRUARY 2014 - finishes | ©vib
Kick - Presentation of the first shell
The first shells inhabited silos have been completed and we have been presented to the company's warehouse Hanny, in which TPI has entrusted the implementation. These works imposing nearly 12 meters by 2 meters 50 and 15 tons were sunk into wooden molds built in the Vosges specifically for the project. The polygonal openings were designed in 3D agency. They have many "fruits" and must, according to their position in the arch curve, preserve the formwork molds, significant structural efforts of the book and eventually the flow of rainwater.
Laurent Grasso “SolarWind” – monumental and lasting work that poetry transcribed with meteorology of & rsquo; space, cosmic movements and solar winds through light projections on the walls of the silos Calcia, located on the outskirts of the 13th arrondissement of Paris.
Inauguration : 25 January 2016Laurent Grasso "Solarwind" – monumental and lasting work that poetry transcribed with meteorology of & rsquo; space, cosmic movements and solar winds through light projections on the walls of the silos Calcia, located on the outskirts of the 13th arrondissement of Paris.
Inauguration : 25 January 2016
Solar Wind : a work & rsquo; s night art & rsquo; installs at the edge of Device !
The colors and light related to the & rsquo; solar activity !
A huge piece of contemporary art evening settles between Paris and Ivry.
Illumination – 25 January 2016
C & rsquo; is the initiative of the City of Paris, the SEMAPA et des Ciments Calcia, that & rsquo; work “solar wind”, de l & rsquo; artists Laurent Grasso, Rayon aujourd & rsquo; hui all its colors, on two concrete silos 37 meters high and 20 meters across the company's distribution center Calcia. It promises to be one of the largest works in sustainable public procurement across the Greater Paris.
In this architectural strength adds a strategic location close to the ring and the future Paris-Ivry driveway linking the capital to the city & rsquo; Ivry sur Seine. All of which led Laurent Grasso imagine a light installation of great evocative power.
L & rsquo; work “solar wind” is a light modeling meteorologies conditions of the solar wind projected onto the concrete wall silos. Using data from the National Center d & rsquo; space studies (CNES), fluctuations in color and light reflect real-time visualization of solar activity. But if the work has an undeniable scientific value, it is primarily as a collective and poetic fiction engine that Laurent Grasso has conceived.
Bruneseau, (the new district) to & rsquo; is Paris Rive Gauche, l & rsquo; monumental work “solar wind” is visible from the device by more than a million motorists per day, and above all from high buildings Southeast of the capital.
Rose Flaming end of the day drowning slowly in a blue lagoon, then green apple shivering which disappears under a yellow vibrant : colors by successive waves tangled, sometimes still juddering during the test phase. A few days ago, c & rsquo; were the last Solar Wind settings, A bright work created by Laurent Grasso two cement silos set up along the peripheral, in the 13th district, between the door & rsquo; Ivry and Porte de Bercy.
A work that reveals the night !
This Light Installation !
the greater Paris, s & rsquo; spanning these buildings 40 m high will be officially launched Monday 25 January 2016 ds soon as night falls, l & rsquo; illumination begin and last until & rsquo; to & rsquo; dawn.
And the hundreds of thousands of & rsquo; motorists driving at night - the million browsing all 24 hours the large artery surrounding Paris - should discover these silos bathed d & rsquo; colorful waves. L & rsquo; work was funded (for an undisclosed amount) by cement company Kick and d & rsquo mixed society development Semapa. “We want to reinvent the City of Light in the 13th and punctuate the device with illuminated buildings, explains Jérôme Coumet, Mayor of & rsquo; district and president of Semapa.
We wanted, symbolically, the first building to be revealed the night the evening with a work & rsquo; contemporary art.
But in the next five years, ten & rsquo; other buildings will then be illuminated at night. With LEDs, it consumes much more energy than before.”
Solar Wind unfolds in Paris left bank district undergoing change, when industrial buildings were renovated, such as refrigerators, Grands Moulins or & rsquo; d & rsquo old plant; compressed air Sudac, which houses the & rsquo; d & rsquo school; Architecture Paris Val-de-Seine and its 1.500 students. A pedestrian path, l & rsquo; driveway Ivry-Paris, would connect the capital and the suburb in four years, and walkers can see the silos for the new crossing, as, s & rsquo; other side, since the BNF and the & rsquo; avenue de France.
L & rsquo; monumental work Laurent Grasso lighting device
Calcia the silos highlighted by the & rsquo; work Laurent Grasso
AUSTERLITZ RAILWAY STATION (1969) Archives – duration 17:28
28 mars 1956 – duration 7:43
Interviewed by Jean-Marie DROT,
l & rsquo; achitecte LE CORBUSIER presented his plan & rsquo; urban planning for Paris.