Gérard Grandval Architect
Architect, Gérard Grandval (1930)
Model chalet built in the years 1960.
1968 Postcards Wood Common Grandval

Designed by architect Gerard Grandval Chalet “Club” La Source (1967-1970) Orléans
Maisons-Coques exhibited at the Floralies of 1967.
They are also called "Shells Units" or "Houses Cases".
They are also called "Shells Units" or "Houses Cases". The construction method is based on an industrial prefabrication system which consists of assembling by simply bolting and without any adjustment or centering element of a double hull wooden joinery and molded polyester. At the International Flower d & rsquo; April-October 1967 which took place at the Parc Floral d & rsquo; Orleans-La Source, 3 “Hull houses” also known as “Club type chalets” are on display. L & rsquo; s a & rsquo; it will then be purchased by the City & rsquo; Orleans and installed, after many difficulties, on land near the Beauchamps Residence at The Source. The goal is d & rsquo; make an extension to the Youth. L & rsquo; installation will never really completed.
After several months of work and d & rsquo; legal procrastination, the building will be victim in November 1970 d & rsquo; a fire destroy in whole. The 14 November 1970, the club, located rue Alain Fournier, behind Beauchamp Residence at The Source caught fire and was completely destroyed. The City of Orleans seeking new society S.E.R.A. so that removes debris and deliver the Quarry in, And this, within a month. The 30 November, the Company S.E.R.A. informs that it plans to file a complaint and request, for the effectiveness of the investigation, not to make any handling. The police report, it appears that the fire was accidentally committed by unidentified children who were playing inside the building. The 11 January 1971, the company S.E.R.A. finally agrees to the City Hall services remove themselves debris club, to free the land earmarked for the construction of Alain-Fournier college. The removal of remnants of the cottage is conducted in February 1971.
Cacharel Offices, 1968.
A big thank you for Heritage Days, at the Pavé de Mézières
@ Gérard Grandval @ Julien Recours
Cacharel plastic shells 1975 STA head office mockup, Alger
The sprouts in Créteil Val-de-Marne (94) from Gérard Grandval 1970-1974
ordered by 1968, the Palace Quarter, in the New Créteil, is nicknamed “cabbage”, name that meets the slogan of May of that year, “power to the imagination”. It is indeed in reaction to the cubes and large ensembles built between Gerard Grandval 1970 and 1974, for OCIL, eleven highrise. They adopt a writing oscillates between architecture and sculpture Organicism. These petals concrete, the vast balconies that adorn the fully give buildings their singular allure.
The architect wanted to push even further its project on the epidermis of these buildings, by providing a vegetation facade that will never be realized. At their feet, two annular schools fit naturally within a landscape modeled the terrain where everything is curved, of roads with footpaths, through parking. In the Paris suburb of Creteil is a d & rsquo community buildings that look like d & rsquo; other vegetables.
Indeed name, The sprouts means Créteil “The sprouts Créteil”. The buildings were designed by Gerard in Grandval 1970 and have been lovingly tended as symbols of & rsquo; architecture years 1970 in France. Their unusual appearance is created by the shape of petals balconies which are intended to ensure the & rsquo; privacy of residents. The apartments are always used aujourd & rsquo; hui.

Concrete housing tower called ‘les Choux de Créteil’ in July 1973 in Créteil, France. (Photo by Michel LAURENT/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)

© Marc Simonnet – The roots of Creteil sprouts
Gerard Grandval is particularly inventor homes shells, cylinder polyester, that rises in three days and we plant stilt anywhere, and offices – cocoons, multicolored cells arranged like enormous cubes of plastic in a closed room. The director's office is a cube like the others but Plexiglas : the walls, the tables, phones are transparent. In the office aquarium, the boss sees everything and everyone sees the boss. We are building 15 houses-flowers in Creteil.
Invent-house flowers, it's difficult. Convincing financial, contractors, municipal commissions, Officials architects to plant flowers-fifteen houses in the heart of a suburban uneventful, it's a miracle. It is done. There was a miracle in Créteil. In some months, first petals gigantic concrete dahlias will break ground. The magician: architect overwhelmed diplomas (including a Grand Prix de Rome) but has made a point to forget very quickly what he had been taught at the Fine Arts.
The sprouts are a great set Créteil signed by Gérard Grandval in Créteil, in the Val-de-Marne, from 1969 at 1974. He has been awarded the "Heritage of the twentieth century" of the Ministry of Culture 16 December 2008. This program was considered at the time as a symbol of French architecture years 1970.
Ten round towers 15 floors are the essential element of this great set. their shape, like a cauliflower because of balconies, gives its name, or rather his nickname, in this neighborhood. these balconies, the idea of the architect, were intended to be vegetated, which would have changed the appearance of the gardens support buildings, the seasons. When the project is implemented in 1966, the building area is located on a Huerta (Pompadour plain) who was from 1860 one of the main production centers of Paris légumier : the Choucrouterie Benoist, the largest factory of sauerkraut in the Paris region settled there. Grandval not probably knew the past of this part of the city when he proposed his project.
In 1998, the municipality decided to rehabilitate the area. The central cabbage, composed of social housing occupied by families in precarious situations, is restructuré.Pour promote a social mix, the city assigns a quarter of apartments in Créteil étudiants.Les Sprouts are a great set signed by Gérard Grandval in Créteil, in the Val-de-Marne, from 1969 at 1974. He has been awarded the "Heritage xxeme century" of the Ministry of Culture 16 December 2008. This program was considered at the time as a symbol of French architecture years 1970.

The Créteil-flowers buildings are, At first glance, even crazier as office-cocoons, the directorial aquarium and villas cylinders. Imagine a kind of monstrous dahlia 50 meters in diameter 15 meters high. In the center of the flower. On the first three floors : a ramp-parking where cars are parked tenants. Elevators and stairs from each of these first three floors serve the whole. Above this silo cars, a terrace, a hanging garden, trees, real flowers.
Why houses-flowers, city-flowers ? Gérard Grandval answers: Because cities are grim-lockers. I call these cities lockers cubic sets, straight, own well, no mystery. the flower, is the anti-cube. I was told that my dahlias-buildings were more like cabbage. I have nothing against cabbage. I prefer cabbage houses to these big, stupid, bland perpendicular masses. You have to build fuzzy and crazy, plant and moving.

Architect: Gérard Grandval
Drawing balconies: Maurice Calka
Construction: 1969 – 1974

1:45 – A film shot in Jacques Baratier 1975. The film opens with a view of buildings so as ugly as new. Who knows the Parisian suburbs recognizes the "cabbages" Créteil. Ensuite, a couple in smug silliness extols the many joys of life in the new housing estates suburban. At the beginning, that the DVD sleeve does not say, The City can was a TV movie than an hour called The Dump. But the censorship of these time Pompidou presidency has banned television broadcasting. So, Baratier a bit "inflated" into a one-hour film 25, distributed in rooms where it had little success.
Built in Créteil - in the southeast of Paris - between 1969 and 1974 by architect Gérard Grandval, the city of Choux is one of the "new towns" whose objective was to break with the anonymous model of large housing estates. Famous for its plant form, its architecture is characterized by large petal-shaped balconies whose purpose was both to protect residents from prying eyes but also serve to support a vegetable skin (in vine) that never saw the light for practical reasons.

The sprouts Créteil (Val de Marne), also called "corn", are a great architectural complex created by Gérard Grandval. He has been awarded the "Heritage of the twentieth century," the Ministry of Culture. Ten round towers 15 floors are the essential element of this great set. their shape, like a cauliflower because of balconies, gives his nickname, in this neighborhood. these balconies, the idea of the architect, were intended to be vegetated, which would have changed the appearance of the gardens support buildings, the seasons.
Post card – Bee Edition
Alain Manoïlesco is specialized in public procurement. She recently renovated a flagship project for years 70 : Les Choux in Créteil in the neighborhood "The Palace" designed by the architect in the early Grandval Grandval 70.L'architecte years had created a circular route that serviced all residential towers with landscaped parking for treated as box located at the foot of buildings. The renovation of sprouts as such concerns 4 800m2 of housing.

The land is located downtown in the Palace area houses the cylindrical building R 6 built by architect Gérard Grandval which is bordered to the east, North and South by ten residential towers identical cylindrical R + 14. The Client wanted to rehabilitate the building 6 floors to create it 172 student rooms, 18 PMQs and a parking lot used by the occupants of the two programs. The existing car park enjoying a greater number of seats needed, some will be removed to create extra living space in inner part of the building.
The Agency used the Revit BIM software to handle the renovation of Cabbages and redevelopment of this neighborhood you can find here. The agency, created 1991, is composed of 6 architects and 1 landscape. As they explain on their site : The team keeps abreast of new techniques and new standards, whether HQE, REVIT or even site supervision, etc …
The agency has participated in over 80 public competitions, mainly in the field of education, and, has already built or rehabilitated thirty schools (IUT, high school, middle School, school, creche). The rehabilitation of offices is also in their skills (for example : Cultural and administrative center of Cergy Pontoise). Their expertise also focuses on small projects : 10 Accommodations in Vémars e.g., or nuclear maintenance workshop in high school André Malraux in Montereau-Fault-Yonne.
© Alain Manoïlesco
Date : 2014 – 2017
Project management : unmarried
Consultancy : BET Arcoba agent
Surface : 4 800 m2
The land is located downtown in the neighborhood of the Palace. The cylindrical building R 6 built by architect Gérard Grandval is bordered to the east, North and South by ten residential towers identical cylindrical R 14.
The Client wishes to rehabilitate the building 6 floors to create it 172 student rooms, 18 PMQs and a parking lot used by the occupants of the two programs. The existing car park enjoying a greater number of seats needed, some will be removed to create extra living space in inner part of the building.
the city records :
Around the round garage, forming a wide ring : the apartments. All, except for a few rooms with exterior. All, without exception, are equipped with a balcony-petal, vast shell of concrete reaching almost two meters at its greatest height and fifty centimeters at its ends. This unusual layout but very studied allows the occupant of the building to have cauliflower, right and left of the balcony, views of the city and, In the center, a kind of isolated and protected from the outside oasis.
Away from its petal, tenant houses-dalhia live like a winter garden open to the sky.

“Unless death stops me” First clip of rapper “WTO” After Créteil and group member “2DBV”Prod by : “INSOMNIA BEAT” Realized by “Hustler Game”.
Another view of Creteil by which I so often happened 🙂