IKA’71 plastic house, Germany

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L & rsquo; article on this subject is the bitter d & rsquo narrative bright dream. L & rsquo; expected audience remained off. Refinancing failed. “Rondo”, “Future” and “Orion” were rotten and foreclosed. The inflated hall in & rsquo; air remained without air at a time. Hasso Ziegler wrote about “organizational flaws that could not be obscured, even by the often intrusive hype of & rsquo; year.

(The Minister & rsquo; Interior, Willi Weyer, inaugurated at the beginning of & rsquo; August 71)

There are approximately 50 years.. in 1971 was a summer rich in events and experiences for the Lüdenscheids. The line Sauerland was almost over, Nattenberg stadium under construction, Apollo theater was close to demolition and plastic fever broke. The founders of the construction company Sauerland SABAG around the member of the Bundestag CDU Werdohler Hans Werner Schmöle had in addition to their economic success.

Partners, Sponsors..
L & rsquo; current brewer Lüdenscheid Jörg Mehl took over marketing with its advertising agency Mehl and Riedel in Düsseldorf.

the fair ” ika'71 ” should show that plastic can quite replace a number of other construction materials.

The site 70 000 square meters above the city was superbly adapted.
All kinds of celebrities signed on to give the event its own luster According to SABAG.

(L & rsquo; exhibition expected to attract about 300 000 people)

Lüdenscheid 3 month of exposure 1971-1975 at “Hoh” International Exhibition of Transportable Plastic Houses at IKA The International Exhibition of Plastic Houses in Lüdenscheid


Next to futuristic houses with names like "Rondo", "Futuro" or "Orion" on stilts or floating in the pond, the dome d & rsquo; gigantic air is on site at the heart of "ika & rsquo; 71". Until 4.000 people sat in the lobby and acclaimed live concerts, such as by Dunja Rajter, then just before the wedding with the leader of the group Les Humphries. But Dunja initially work in Schützenhalle.

The Opening Gala was held with a three hour program for 1000 guests. Including beauty Israeli hit Daliah Lavi and beauty queen Petra Schürmann, which led with charm all evening. until 1976, the Salon ika'71 should last. However, in 1974, Hasso Ziegler de la Süddeutsche Zeitung titrait: "Living the & rsquo; future already belongs to the past."

IKA'71 Exhibition of the International House of Plastics of the World.

These photos are the representation of several “plastic houses” which were exhibited at International Kunststoffhaus Ausstellung Welt which opened in 1971 on the outskirts of the German city of Lüdenscheid. IKA International Exhibition Plastics House in the world.

Was an exhibition in Lüdenscheid - Hoh on specially made land on plastic houses . plastic house concepts are not accepted by the masses. In addition, the oil crisis condition 1972 to huge price Plastic. The company recorded a deficit of 3 million marks . then reported SABAG insolvency, after which the objects were seized 1975. Today, nothing can be seen from the exhibition about this event which many newspapers reported, including the mirror. There were high-ranking politicians such as Willy Brandt and Willi Weyer. The company recorded a deficit of 3 million marks. So reported SABAG
the insolvency of, after which the objects were seized 1975.


Today.. only a few trees invaded by concrete foundations recall the old exhibition, and the site has become a suburban green zone.

The IKA'71 site in current condition with the southeast corner of the concrete slab for the Traglufthalle.

Today, the height is again what it was before IKA'71 a green space near the city, but with concrete foundation on which trees exceed. They offer a building material according to the Hasso Ziegler “Süddeutsche” is still one of the best: “old wood”.


Medallion representing IKA’ 71




Ika'71 – Exposition Kunststoffhaus Lüdenscheid

View to the East on the Ika site’ in 1971 before the opening on the right in the background the aerial dome.

Plastic house FG 2000 Design the Wolfgang Feierbach and 1968.

Axonometry prototype, original device.

(Image: Sample folder plastic house fg 2000)

Prototype construction May 1968, from 7 h 17 h for the hulls of 13 roof elements and 26 fiberglass wall elements. (Image: W. Feierbach)

Plastic house FG 2000 Design the Wolfgang Feierbach and 1968.

The modern plastic house for the modern man (Image: W. Feierbach)

Professor R's Organic Biodome. Doerafter during construction for the ika'71 fair

In Lüdenscheid, he now wanted one with his students to erect the first prototype, a floating double dome structure, whose outer skin will be vegetated should. They wanted a depth of 70 cm, with a water surface sealed by plastic film of approximately. To create 800 square meters. Doernach had a talent for languages ​​his experimental building bears the appropriate name ready : It should be called Biodome because he supposedly remembered a sacred green building and in an interview Doernach spoke with the Lüdenscheider Nachrichten exalted by Ark Nova.

Algeco 2002 at IKA'71

Archives – Exposition plastic house à Lüdenscheid IKA




View to the northwest on the Ika site’ in 1971




IKA 1971 – La Bulle Six Cases ” ORION ”  Jean Benjamin Maneval

House ” Orion ” La Bulle Six shells by Jean Benjamin Maneval
Ika’ 1971 Ludenscheid
source : To build + Living

Photo credit :  Wilhelm Bertram / dpa

The plastic house ” La Bulle Six Cases ” Named Orion for the occasion of the construction accessories company Alco Goslar will be presented at the plastic exhibition IKA in Lüdenscheid, 1970.

Photo credit :  Wilhelm Bertram / dpa

Photo credit :  Wilhelm Bertram / dpa

Maison Bulle Six Coques by Jean Benjamin Maneval – Ika’ 1971 Ludenscheid
Source : To build + Living

Magazine 1971, Ika’ 71 Ludenscheid, Germany

Alco Orion House

Distribution : Al & co

Building accessories

Gesellschaft mbH & Co

338 Goslar in the Schleeke 112-116 Mailbox 121

The plastic house “Orion” of the supply building at Alco Goslar. (Without registration date) the berkerk is mainly used as a holiday home. A star-shaped floor plan allows for a clear division into six living spaces. Seven people can live comfortably in it. Furnishings and equipment provide every comfort with full kitchen and shower room. The construction of a house is reduced for simple and quick assembly work. Painters and upholsterers are not necessary. The plastic is colored in the mass. Maintenance and repair costs do not occur.

1, 2 Jolly Kidz children's chairs in ABS resin Yellow plastic is represented in the Six Shell Bubble.


The Futuro plastic house from building materials company Alco Goslar will be on display at the IKA plastic exhibition in Ludenscheid, taken in 1971.

 THE RONDO HOUSE Casoni & Casoni


Ludenscheid, West Germany, 26 September 1971, House ” RONDO” revolutionary plastic sphere.

What looks like a collection of alien spacecraft, are three different prefabricated buildings presented in 1971 the plastic exposure Lüdenscheid.

Monika Geitmann
became Miss in Ika 1971.

In 1971, the International Plastic House Exhibition IKA’71 was inaugurated at Höh.
In the foreground: left the “Future” Matti Suuronen and right home “Rondo” Casoni & Casoni.


duration: 00:20



Virginia Maneval

I am the daughter of Jean Benjamin Maneval, famous urban architect who notably created the Bulle Six Coques, a plastic house from the pop years. You can also find me on my Facebook page Bubblemania.fr or on my page La Bulle Six Coques by Jean Benjamin Maneval.

One thought on “IKA’71 plastic house, Germany

  1. Dear Virginia,
    I am contacting you on behalf of the Architecture and Landscape Museum CIVA in Brussels.
    We have sent you an e-mail to your orange.fr address, but unfortunately, it was not properly delivered.
    Could you please write us to the e-mail connected to this message?
    We are interested in the provenance of some of the images of Mr Maneval.
    I thank you in advance.
    Tania Garduño Israde


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