Wall Sculpture (2013) Clarina Bezzola, New-York

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Clarina Bezzola

A fireplace transformed into a sculpture & surrealist.

Bezzola brought the macabre, Lynchian aesthetic of his art to the architecture of his Brooklyn home. Clarina Bezzola was born in Switzerland. She lives and works in New York. Clarina Bezzola is a performance artist, sculptor, painter and classical singer by training. My work studies human consciousness. With the emergence of awareness and self-identification, humans began to feel isolated – hence the fear and the feeling of vulnerability. Each of us has our own way of dealing with the inconvenience of feeling isolated and alone in the world.. Some of us protect ourselves with physical armor or walls while others wear masks or uniforms to deceive. Through performance, sculpture – installation, painting and drawing and sometimes photography, I investigate the struggle of the individual to try to find his place in society.

An artist has created a worthy chimney of the house Barbapapas, in which it is to curl as in a nest. To give substance to this idea, Clarina Bezzola therefore demolished his old fireplace, to replace it with an incredible wooden structure, metal and cement, all in roundness, that evokes the house Barbapapas. Inside, several smaller niches allow the family to hide. One reaches the highest climbing inside. In 2013, while renovating his house, this New York artist imagine what it would become if she was beginning to grow uncontrollably. “A bit like an undesirable growth of our body, walls swell up and invade the space” Materials: The structure made of wood and metal, Application of the cement to form the wall. The artist asked a professional to secure the hearth of the fireplace.

A collaboration between Clarina Bezzola et Raad Studio

Before The Works !

Start of transformation :
After removing the outer layers of the old fireplace, the team began assembling the first pieces of the artist's installation, baptized "the bubble". The latter therefore includes the fireplace, but also a relaxation area out of sight, storage for logs and access to the top floor. Installation required meticulous engineering, a role assumed by James Ramsey. Various materials were used : large metal nails, refractory bricks, wood, cement, light insulating plaster, putty and foam.

Materials: metal posts, wood, concrete, structolite, compound, foam. 11,5 x 3,5 x 11ft. The structure made of wood and metal. © Clarina Bezzola

Application of the cement to form the wall. © Clarina Bezzola

There is a crawl space hidden inside the gout, with a seat cushion and a small television.

The inside of the chimney… The Bubble, FIRE © Clarina Bezzola

Using all spaces. 2013 © Clarina Bezzola

© Clarina Bezzola

© Clarina Bezzola


Virginia Maneval

I am the daughter of Jean Benjamin Maneval, famous urban architect who notably created the Bulle Six Coques, a plastic house from the pop years. You can also find me on my Facebook page Bubblemania.fr or on my page La Bulle Six Coques by Jean Benjamin Maneval.

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