The RoAch-CoAch (1978)

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Custom Show Car by Ed Newton
Made from an original idea of ​​the company“RoAcH Inc” which has existed since 1962 
"Get the media to talk about our custom T-shirt design firm through an insane Hot-Rod"

l & rsquo; craft was designed by Ed Newton and built by Dan Woods, Don Books

The “Roach Coach” is currently in printing..
The following images are renderings of a model Roach Coach

The roach coach is probably one of the Hot Rod & rsquo; s most significant post-apocalyptic genre that was all the rage in the years 1970 still disturbed by the fear of nuclear war. Made from d & rsquo; brainchild of the company that has been Inc Roach 1962. The device was designed by Ed Newton and built by Dan Woods, Don Books. lthe car was only a Hot-Rod Show-Car, a non-functional car for statically included in the & rsquo; ISC-Tours, a traveling exhibition of Hot Rods and Kustom Cars throughout the US.

“To impress crowds”, the engine was a Ford V8 DOHC Indianapolis (based on the & rsquo; origin SBF block which later became the famous Indy Motor Foyt Coyote-years & rsquo; 70 l & rsquo; axle was modified Hewland from d & rsquo; rough dragster. Darrell Mayabb, an automotive designer and illustrator, m & rsquo; confirmed that Don is now well known in the & rsquo; industry of customization and that & rsquo; it could be an even bigger name for himself s & rsquo; it n & rsquo; had not just put the & rsquo; focus on his life family.

It does not just create objects and transform improbable cars, puts them on stage, favoring the sets more or less abandoned factories, power plants of basements and junk landfill, managing the feat of creating the illusion of a futuristic roughly consistent.



RoAch-CoAch (1970) 





Virginia Maneval

I am the daughter of Jean Benjamin Maneval, famous urban architect who notably created the Bulle Six Coques, a plastic house from the pop years. You can also find me on my Facebook page or on my page La Bulle Six Coques by Jean Benjamin Maneval.

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